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Dear Young Scientists, 

getting ready for "Science and AI: friend or foe" - our research day is on the horizon - for the first time with a motto and meet the expert sessions. Already more than 60 registrations plus 4 science slammers in the starting blocks. Please welcome with us on November 24 our very special guest Dr. Barbara Marte, Senior Editor at nothing less than Nature. We are so happy that she is very open for discussion - feel free to send us your questions now - do not be shy. We are so much looking forward to a great day!
In our Career Bites Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerd Heusch will talk about conflicts at work, enthusiasm for science and how hard work can outcompete talent. 
Last, not least, you will also find a selection of our most popular Instagram posts about your successes in the news section.

Prof'in Dr. Anke Hinney
Vice Dean for Young Scientists and Diversity

Application for Junior Clinician Scientist fellowship - open until October 1

Physicians in the first phase of specialist training who would like to combine their clinical work with research can apply for a Junior Clinician Scientist Fellowship by October 1.
During the three-month release for research, participants are expected to launch a publication in first or last authorship. The contact person in the dean's office is Dr. Gesine Pless-Petig: gesine.pless@uk-essen.de. 
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Apply now: the revised MediMent mentoring program

The MediMent mentoring program, which has been well established for many years, has been updated and will start with a new group in 2024.The networking concept of the mentoring program as well as the interdisciplinary qualification through special seminars will remain two important pillars of the academic career advancement.What is new is that both mentoring formats, peer and one-to-one mentoring, will start in parallel. The latter is still open to women and now also to people who are disadvantaged in the sense of the General Equal Treatment Act. The program offers the possibility to get a personal mentor from our faculty for the duration of two years. Further information about the mentoring program can be found here. The contact persons are Gesine Pless-Petig and Meike Roux.The application deadline is October 31.
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Day of Research on November 24
Science and AI: friend or foe 

The annual Research Day is a forum for doctoral students of the Medical Faculty of the UDE as well as for doctoral students in the natural sciences who are employed at the UK Essen or the UDE. This event is financially supported by the Stiftung Universitätsmedizin Essen. During the poster session, doctoral students have the opportunity to exchange ideas, present their data to an internal panel, and gain new perspectives and ideas. The best presentations in each group will be rewarded with prize money of 250 euros each, for the best science slam 500 euros will be awarded. This year, a prize for patient-oriented research will also be awarded for the first time. 
In the afternoon, Dr. Barbara Marte, Senior Editor at Nature, will provide insights into the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence in her lecture and will exchange views with young researchers from our funding programs. You are welcome to hand in any questions beforehand. 
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How to teach Medicine: Didactic Course Offers 

A university hospital is a place of patient care, 
research and teaching. The Medical Faculty provides you with highly didactic qualifications, that are specially tailored to the subject of medicine and its conditions in preclinical and clinical teaching. A variety of courses encourages you to reflect on your own didactic activities, to experiment with different forms of teaching and learning and also to plan your lectures professionally and stimulatingly. You can choose from a variety of eight courses. 

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Infrastructure fund supports
teaching with 2 million euros

The Medical Faculty has established another IFORES infrastructure fund of two million euros for the further development and digitalization of teaching-related infrastructure. Members of the Medical Faculty can submit their applications for new and replacement equipment up to 200,000 euros until September 15. The prerequisite is that a guaranteed delivery date is available by November 30 for the requested device.
The applications forms are availbale in roXtra (ID 353354), folder „Medizinische Fakultät/Finanzen und Wissenschaftsstruktur“.

Prospects: Talk Series on DFG Funding Opportunities on September 21 and 25

The DFG offers funding opportunities for all career stages between doctorate and professorship.
In their prospect series the DFG offers an overview of all funding instruments for the time after your PhD as well as specific focus talks, e.g. the Emmy Noether Programme. The talks also include advice on how to prepare your proposal for the review process and answer your questions. PhD candidates and postdocs of all disciplines are welcome to join!
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September 18-22: Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany

Inspired by the celebration of the Postdoc Appreciation Week in the USA and the UK, the PAW Germany coordination team invited researchers and research institutions, postdoc coordinators and research administrators all over Germany to join them in creating a special program, events and a social media campaign to honor the incredible work of postdocs. The initiative was well taken and our colleagues and postdoc networks all over the country quickly put together a great program with a wide range of topics – most of them online and open for attendees from any institution in Germany. The GC Plus Team has organized several events, such as an informal meeting with Prof. Astrid Westendorf, Vice-Rector for Research and Early Career Researchers. 
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GUIDE: Idea Competition 

With this year's idea competition, GUIDE would like to motivate all members of the UDE and UME to concretize and further develop their ideas.
Taking part is easy, simply download the entry form, sketch your idea and submit it by September 30, 2023. 

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October 10: Psycho Slam "Brain Talks"

On October 10, the young researchers of the Collaborative Research Center "Extinction Learning" (SFB 1280) leave their laboratories in neuroscience, medicine, biology, neuroinformatics, etc., and join the renowned biopsychologist Onur Güntürkün on stage. Absolutely entertaining, exciting interdisciplinary, and tingling, as only science can, they present the latest research and their fascination with it.
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October 21: 10th AluMedEs Annual Meeting

On Saturday, October 21, the alumni of the Medical Faculty will celebrate the "Golden Doctorate" of 1973. In addition, Prof. Stephan Lang will present the "Innovation surgery of the future" and Prof. Dr. Dr. Nikolaos E. Bechrakis will give insights into the "Current developments in ophthalmological treatment".
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November 8: Public Access for Post Docs 

On November 8, 2023 at 4:30 p.m. in the meeting room of the Dean's Office (ground floor dean's office building), Dr. Anja Lüngen, Experimental Pneumology (Ruhrlandklinik) will talk about
"Respiratory Tissue Engineering - Development  of a Respiratory Mucosa Equivalent". This quarterly meeting is intended to promote networking and scientific exchange at the Medical Faculty and the UK Essen. 
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September 29: The International Network

It is not easy to pursue a scientific career in Germany as an international scientist. With this network, we are providing a space to exchange experiences, give advices and support each other as an international community. Every scientist who is working in Essen and who is interested in or feels addressed by these topics is welcome. First meeting will take place on September 29 at 2 pm, room tba. For further information send an email to  Silvia.VegaRubindeCelis@uk-essen.de
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New application round for Epi&CR 

Candidates can apply for the PhD program "Epidemiology and Clinical Research" until November 30, 2023. The program is designed to enable PhD students to independently plan, monitor, evaluate and publish epidemiological and clinical studies.
The three-year intensive program teaches content on epidemiology, medical statistics, and data analysis, among other topics. Teaching takes place in block modules twice a semester for five days each. In total, the accompanying program comprises 300 teaching units of 45 minutes each. Read more


New principles for ensuring good scientific practice at the UDE

Communicating and maintaining established standards is a fundamental requirement of scientific integrity and trustworthy research. These standards of good scientific practice are subject to continuous development and are based on numerous national and international regulations. Therefore, the UDE has given itself new "Principles for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice" on July 13. They apply to all members of the university and affect numerous aspects of research and teaching. 
At the UDE you will find centralized and decentralized consulting and support services for numerous aspects, e.g. for correct citation in theses or for sustainable archiving of research data in research networks.
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Wanted: Lawyers for voluntary work in the Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee of the Medical Faculty of the UDE is an interdisciplinary body that provides ethical and legal advice on studies and projects involving research on or with humans and with human specimens.
These research projects are subject to different legal regulations such as drug medical device, professional and data protection law.  The European (CTR, MDR, IVDR) as well as the national (AMG, MPDG) and federal state-specific legal situation must be taken into account. All members receive the applications to be processed  via an electronic system. Every 10 weeks there is a face-to-face meeting where the proposals are discussed. If you are interested, please contact ethikkommission@uk-essen.de or call under 0201 723 3637.  
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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerd Heusch 

Head of the Institute of Pathophysiology, his research focuses on experimental and clinical-physiological work, especially on myocardial infarction and cardioprotection, regulation of coronary blood flow, coronary microembolization, heart failure and atherosclerosis. He has received the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Order of Merit of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the William Harvey award of the European Society of Cardiology, the Carl Wiggers award of the American Physiological Society and the Carl Ludwig award of the German Cardiac Society. He is speaker for medicine in the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts, a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in London and a member of the Academia Europaea (AE). 

What was the most challenging phase in your career - and how did you manage it?
I found the initial phase of my professional career most turbulent and stressful. I had completed the final practical year of my MD studies in Bonn with an elective term in cardiac surgery and wanted to become a cardiac surgeon. My cardio-surgical boss in Bonn therefore sent me off for basic scientific training to his own former mentor who was then the director of the physiology department in Düsseldorf. When, after finishing my obligatory military service, I actually took up this position, this person had unfortunately died. I nevertheless started to work at the physiology institute but without a real mentor. I could pursue my interest in coronary blood flow, do my experiments in the lab for three years, and eventually succeeded to publish quite well. Then, after a 3-year interim, a new director was appointed who had other scientific interests, and we also did not get along well on the personal level  - there were major conflicts. When I then wanted to submit my habilitation thesis, my boss truly asked the faculty members to not let me enter the habilitation procedure. However, luckily that request did not find the approval of other senior cardiovascular faculty members, and in the end I had a top-class habilitation committee and was awarded the best habilitation of that year. To avoid further conflicts, I then went with a DFG scholarship to San Diego and had there in UCSD cardiology for the first time a real scientific mentor, John Ross – again with a focus on coronary blood flow and myocardial ischemia.  I then returned to Düsseldorf with a Heisenberg scholarship to continue working experimentally in physiology and clinically in cardiology. This dual experimental-clinical background in myocardial ischemia research very quickly won me the call to my current position in Essen. Here, at age 33, I was Germany's youngest full professor at a medical faculty at the time. All this happened in just eight years, indeed a stressful and challenging time in my career.

Would you do things differently or make different decisions with the knowledge you have today?
In retrospect, I do not regret my decisions and my fighting spirit in those early eight years, if only because there was a happy end. Maybe I would not be quite so cheeky with my boss. Another important crossroads of my professional career was the choice between a clinical career or an experimental one. With the call to Essen, I decided in favor of research. 
When I came here, there was no chair of cardiology and only a somewhat underdeveloped cardiovascular research. However, the Essen faculty has always been good to me, gave me the opportunity and ressources to do what I wanted to do, and let me develop the cardiovascular focus, including the establishment of a cardiology chair and the recruitment of excellent cardiovascular scientists and clinicians. Therefore, I have also refused the offers of chairs in either experimental and clinical cardiology in the US and gladly stayed in Essen.

What advice would you give to young scientists?
The most important advice to young people considering a career in science is, that they must be clear about their motivation and perseverance, and be honest about that to themselves. Do I have sufficient enthusiasm for research and also the strength and perseverance? Because for a scientific career you need two things: talent and hard work. I have seen many young scientists who were really talented but not willing to work hard. Conversely, there were many who had far less talent but were willing to work hard and were therefore successful in their careers. Our Western understanding of work-life balance is of little interest in other countries - but you have to compete with them internationally. Personally, I cannot remember ever getting by with a 40-hour week.

What drives you?
Curiosity is very important, ambition is also part of it. At the end of the day, it is mainly enthusiasm for science and having fun doing what I can do. I started 40 years ago in the physiology of coronary arteries, in the broadest sense I still work in this field and can still publish successfully. You need real enthusiasm for research.


Eva Luise Köhler Research Award for Rare Diseases 

More than 300 million people worldwide are affected by rare diseases. The Eva Luise Köhler Research Award for Rare Diseases, endowed with 50,000 euros serves as start-up funding for innovative projects in the field of basic or clinical research on rare diseases. The funded projects should have a model character. Sustainable, cross-disease and research networking projects are particularly worthy of an award. Applications may be submitted multiple times, even in two consecutive years. 
Deadline for application is September 17, 2023
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This annual award, endowed with 5,000 euros, is given to young scientist who made a lasting contribution to their respective field of science through outstanding and forward-looking research achievements. The academics-Nachwuchspreis is awarded to an individual. The call for applications is directed at young scientists of all research fields who are pursuing a doctorate or have completed a doctorate (parental leave will be taken into account). The young researcher of the year can only be nominated by another person. An individual application is not possible.
Deadline for application is September 30, 2023
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Hans Böckler Foundation | Maria Weber Grant 

The Maria Weber Grant is awarded to junior professors and postdoctoral researchers. Applicants can apply for a substitute for up to 12 months, who will take over parts of the teaching tasks in order to create free space for their research. 
Funds to pay for partial substitutions of up to 40,000 euros (a flat rate of 20,000 euros per semester) will be granted for the teaching buyout.
Applications can be submitted until September 15.
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Short Term Fellowship 

The German Cancer Aid enables young physicians or life scientists to spend short periods of time in national and international research.
Young physicians or life scientists can receive funding for short-term (inter)national research stays for knowledge exchange at host institutions and for learning experimental and bioinformatics techniques. Also, support for active participation in workshops, 'summer schools' and scientific courses can be requested.
Applications can be submitted at any time.
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Funding for Scoping Workshops 

Through "Scoping workshops", the VW foundation intends to encourage a reflection and further development of disciplinary and interdisciplinary research areas and communities. Through this funding, researchers are given the opportunity to jointly assess the current status of their field of research and, on this basis, to work out perspectives for its further development. 
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Boxberger Prize Bad Kissingen 2024

The Boxberger Prize Bad Kissingen is endowed with a maximum amount of 10,000 euros.
The work to be awarded must concern 1.) research in relation to the local spa resources of Bad Kissingen (healing springs), or 2.) research in relation to the spa remedies (e.g. moor) typical of the area, which are administered in Bad Kissingen as part of the spa and healing procedures or 
3.) research in relation to outpatient and inpatient forms of spa treatment and medical rehabilitation at the spa or 4.) research in relation to the promotion of health-conscious behavior (prevention, health promotion, salutogenesis) that can be carried out at health resorts, in particular in Bad Kissingen.
Deadline is January 8, 2024.
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Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators

The Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators is granted annually to researchers up to 35 years, with an advanced degree, for outstanding contributions to biomedical research in Europe based on methods of molecular biology, including novel analytical concepts.
Prize money: 20,000 euros
Application Deadline: January 15, 2024
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Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Duisburg-Essen | Dekanat | Universitätsklinikum Essen | Hufelandstraße 55 | 45147 Essen
Ansprechpartnerin: Dr. Milena Hänisch | Telefon: +49 201/723-1615 | milena.haenisch@uk-essen.de | www.uni-due.de/med
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